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Arc 1 Chapter 7: Naked Eye

Braz fires his blue swords, one at a time, like missiles. Justice dodges them easily, however. As one would miss, it would turn into blue particles and disappear, but as soon as one would disappear, another one would instantly be fired at Justice, leaving him no time to rest. Braz stayed stationary while firing the swords. 
Though Justice was treating this like a real battle. It was obvious that Braz was toying with him.
Wow, maybe personally watching people fight actually help me learn how to fight.
Braz continued firing his swords, while Justice kept on dodging them. The scene could be described as a Predator attacking its prey, meanwhile, the prey is running away— dodging its attacks.
『 Ul Fura! 』
A strong gale of wind flies out of Justice’s hands. The swords fired by Braz were deflected and were sent flying towards him. Although Braz blocks the initial attack, the deflected swords still manage to hit him.
I have to remember to use moves other than 『 Ul Fura 』 or I’ll get predictable. Changing things up never hurts to try!
『 Fura! 』
Right after the smoke from the swords clear, a Magical Circle spawns under the injured Braz. From the aforementioned Magical Circle, a tornado forms, and envelopes Braz’s entire body. 
Alright! Maybe the fights really did hel——
—I was hoping for this battle to be equal...
Justice looks in shock as Braz walks out of the tornado, buffer, no glasses, butt naked, and with barely any scarsHe clicks his fangs.
...But clearly, our level differences are too far apart.
What?! I... I thought『 Fura 』would’ve been able to restrain you longer!
If we were around the same level, yes. But it seems I miscalculated your level based on your 『 Ul Fura 』
I miscalculated your 『 Fura 』as well. I expected it to do significantly more damage. I buffed my body for more defense, it seemed that my clothes were too tight and I guess my body getting buffer ripped all of it.
He stretches his muscles, then prepares to get into a fighting stance— The Muay Thai stance. perfect for a kickboxing fight, but too tall and upright for a wrestling match. He looked like a World Renowned Fighter, along with his body and good looks, he could be described as a “perfect” man.
However, It’s no matter. Us Vampires were meant to fight like this.
This might prove to be very difficult.
They both charge at each other. Once they are near one another, Braz goes straight for a kick. Justice had all the time in the world to dodge it, but it looked like he got a little distracted. The kick proved to be very powerful. Justice was gravely injured by the kick and struggled to get up.
Once he did get up, his vision started slowly turning red from the top to the bottom. It was blood. He knew that the next blow would kill him, because of that, he became paranoid and full of anxiety where and when he would get hit next.
There was also the fact that Justice was getting tired of the Return by Death Cycle and all the horrible things he’s seen. Not to mention the fact that he can’t mention his Return by Death ability. And, there was also him basically discovering a new species that are trying to hunt all other species to extinction.
I’ve had enough of this timeline!
Justice places his hand on his neck. The next words he would mutter might be his last. He had no clue if his Return by Death ability would still work if he committed suicide.
Nevertheless, he still wanted to try.
『 Ul Fura 』
A burst of wind flies out of Justice’s hand and decapitates him. 
It was his fourth time waking up to the ceiling in his room. Upon realizing this, he gets up and goes to check his parents’ room. 
As her hair was glistening with the sunlight coming from the windows, Justice can only ruffle his face and grin at his discovery.
After what felt like an eternity, Justice is able to smile again. Initially weirded out for a few seconds, Rem heads over to Justice’s side to see if he was okay or not.
Mr. Justi—
Don’t worry. Just had a nightmare.
As she goes back to cleaning the room, Justice tries to come up with another plan. Justice knows the important stuff about the Parasytes, which was way unlike the previous times. He was partnered with Beatrice and Rem the other times, which didn’t work for him. 
He would also need to find a way to somehow protect Rem. She’s been the victim of the Parasytes 90% of the time. 
I need someone that can help me take out an entire colony of Man-eating monsters before Rem goes out to buy new spices.
——He has a moment of silence just to think. 
And then, the perfect person for this job came to his mind.
He walks to a door and opens it. He finds a girl, on her bed, playing with her Bat. It looks like she was hugging it, but it also looked like her strangling it. She continues hugging it until she sees Justice standing at the door.
Huh? Eh?! Knock before you walk into someone’s room!
She throws a pillow at Justice. As she closes her crimson colored eyes in embarrassment, she turned her head which made her shoulder-length black hair move as if it was being pushed back by the wind. She still wore her sleeping attire, which meant that she might have just woken up.
Justice miraculously catches the pillow, like he caught the book that Beatrice threw at him, and apologizes to her.
But could you help me with something?
Well… that depends on what it is.
It involves you having to use your Explosion Magi——
Explosion Magic?! I’m in!
She pushes Justice out of her room, to get changed. A couple minutes later, she comes out wearing a black cloak with gold border, choker, wizard’s hat, fingerless gloves, along with an eyepatch. She brings a black staff with a jewel at the top with her.
So what’re we going to do?
Well we’re going to———
As they are walking out, they run into Mallow.
Oh, hey guys. Where are you guys going?
We’re going to use my Explosion Magic to commit a genoci——
Justice covers her mouth with his hand, just milliseconds before she finishes her sentence. Who knows what would’ve happened if she actually got to finish her sentence.
——To train! We’re going to try to increase the damage of her Magic!
Really? I’ll go with, so you guys don’t ruin anything.
No—— You really don’t! I think it would be better if it was just the two of us!
Oh, I get it. Have fun!~
They’re both walking in the forest, chatting about random things, while on their way to the Parasyte Cave. Not everything went their way, however. It was raining, though, there wasn’t any thunder that could be heard or any lightning that could be seen. The rain was very light too, coupled with only Justice and Megumin walking together, the moment could only be described as “Romantic.”
Justice looked pretty eager about something. Perhaps it was because he would finally be able to eradicate the Parasyte nest if everything went smoothly. Unlike Justice, Megumin looked a little nervous. It wasn’t because she was going to use her Explosion Magic in such a long time.
It was because she was alone, with Justice. 
S–So, Justice. Is there anyone you like? Like, have a crush on?—
Me? No.
Great! Witnessing my Explosions could maybe make him like me!
Megumin? Are you fine?
Huh?— Yeah, I am! Hey, look, a cool cave!
She points at a cave. But, the cave she pointed at, was no regular cave. It was the Parasyte’s nest. 
Quick! Megumin! Use your Explosion Magic on that Cave!
Normally, I would question why, but I get to use my Explosion Magic, so who cares?!
She rips off her eye patch, revealing her red eye that was wide open with a brilliant light. She raises her staff in front of her. The tip of Megumin’s staff started to glow. A black substance appears from multiple angles and starts flowing into her staff. It surrounds them like a tornado.
Darkness blacker than black and darker than dark, I beseech thee, combined with my deep crimson. The time of awakening cometh. Justice, fallen upon the infallible boundary, appear now as an intangible distortion! The mightiest means of attack known to man, the ultimate attack magic!
A giant orange Magical Circle made out of fire spawns over the Cave. A few unknown silhouette’s notice Megumin and Justice inside the black tornado and charge towards it.
And with one final breath, Megumin screams:
『 Explosion! 』
Her staff glows a bunch of different colors. Two smaller Magical Circles appear above the initial circle. A pillar of orange light is fired from Megumin’s staff, after that, the three Magical Circles combust, creating a giant explosion.
Killing all of the Parasytes in the cave.
Wow! Megumin, that was amazi——
When he turns around to see Megumin, he was stiffened. Because she was lying face first on the ground.
Uhm… You okay?
He turns her body so that she can look at the sky.
Yeah.『 Explosion! 』 is my ultimate spell, it is powerful and uses a lot of mana… Simply put, the mana I used exceeded my limit so I can’t move for a while.
It’s an amazing spell, so I guess I should’ve expected it.
Really?! You think『 Explosion! 』is a good spell?!
Ah, so it was you two that did this.
When Justice turned around, he saw a face he could only hope that he wouldn’t see again.
Heh? Who’re you and how do you know my name? Meh, it doesn’t matter.
Gouto grows a number of tendrils and proceeds to fire one-half of the tendrils he grew at Justice and another half at Megumin. In the blink of an eye, the all of the tendrils were cut. And a ninja appears in front of them, that had a harp with her.
She fires three kunai at Gouto, all which he deflects with some tendrils that he grew.
How bold of you to attack two helpless children.
These “helpless” children were the ones who destroyed that cave.
I have a very hard time believing that.
This is why I hate women. 
They both charge at each other.
-=Chapter 7 End=-


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