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What is "Re;Hero"?

Hey there, I’m Big Chill, though, I usually go by the name “Mugen” (pronounced “Mew-jin,” not “Muggin,” or “Moooogen”), but you can call me either one.
Re;A Hero’s fantastic blessing-filled life, or “Re;Hero” is a fanfiction made by me, where I mesh some of my OC’s and characters from other popular franchises, such as Overlord, Re:Zero, KonoSuba, etc. Re;Hero stars a kid named Justice Hendricks, who’s on the road to becoming the successor of two of the most famous Knights——Philip and Kristi Hendricks.
The first Volume stars a 10-year-old Justice learning about his newly discovered time-reversal powers (dubbed ‘Return by Death’ by himself), and a new species called “Parasytes” that have been hunting humans, and various other species. Due to “Parasytes” being very new, most people don’t know how to beat them, or what their weaknesses are.
As I’m not an experienced writer, the production of the chapters will be very slow. Me not being experienced isn’t the only reasons as to why production will be slow. I always, and I mean always procrastinate, and there’s also me being busy with IRL issues.
I originally planned Re;Hero to have a new chapter released each week, but that didn’t happen, due to the reasons above. But hopefully, I’ll be able to release 2-3 chapters each month. If some chapters seem short, then the reason for it was so I could publish at least one month. It probably won’t happen that much, though.
With all that said, until next time, Mugen out!


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